The Better Credit Blueprint is an independent credit advice website. Please note the information contained on this website is for informational and educational purposes only. All of the information contained on this website and the publications we offer are true and accurate based on available information at the time of publication; no warranties of any kind are expressed or implied.  

The owners, authors and publisher are not offering legal advice or services concerning to specific individuals or situations, and they assume no responsibility whatsoever for the use of the information within this publication, or for decisions made or actions taken based on that information. The author and publisher do not make any implied or expressed warranties regarding the information in this publication. Nothing in this publication is intended to be professional advice, for legal and tax consequences; please consult with an attorney, an accountant, or additional qualified professionals. 

The owners, authors and publisher accept no responsibility or liability for any damages or losses that might result as a consequence of the use or misuse of any information in this publication. Use the information found in this publication as a guide and with good judgment, all actions you choose to take based on any information in this publication, including the forms and attachments provided are entirely your responsibility. 

You can be confident that anything presented and recommended was selected because we feel that it is a product or service that provides value and will assist in your credit rebuilding process.

Some of the products or services that are recommended on this site may charge a one-time fee or a monthly subscription fee. Ultimately, you alone must be responsible for determining whether a product or service is the right fit for your specific personal financial situation and goals.

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